What’s a digital garden?

A garden is a collection of evolving ideas that aren’t strictly organized by their publication date. They’re inherently exploratory… (via Maggie Appleton’s article)
Think personal wiki vs a blog. What an author curates in their digital garden is as broad and diverse as there are authors.

THIS digital garden

…will focus on connected thoughts and research regardingpsychology,psychotherapy,spirituality, andmentalhealth - and likely other nerdy shit

Why Soulful Psyche?

This name represents the dual interest of psychology and spirituality for me. Simply put, I think the past 100 years heightened compartmentalization and it’s done a disservice to our sense of identity and well being in the western world. Humans are mind, body, and spirit and we need to relearn what it means to have those parts of us working in unity.

What do you mean Spirituality?

I define this broadly and it encapsulates the nuanced and intangible side of being human. In many places, cultures, and practice this word is and can be connected to an organized religious belief, rituals, or practices, but my use of it here is of the broader variety.

What will you be referencing?

While I will talk about spirituality (see above) my goal here is public discourse on peer-reviewed research and discussions happening in the fields of Psychology, Psychotherapy, and Spirituality. Research done in these fields is empirically based and seeks to broaden our understanding of the mind, the psyche, and our human experience.

Will it be too “school-y

No! I care about bringing the discussion happening in the research to those who aren’t in these areas. The posts here will be a distillation of themes or conversations happening that catch my attention or that I feel are helpful others.


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