We are moving.
4,887 Kilcks and a 54hr drive away from out current home.

There are emotions.

This move is good, needed, and exciting.  There are opportunities - of all kinds - on the other end that just don’t exist here. There are elements to life that are more us and that is an exciting thing to anticipate. We are both a couple of adventurers and have been our whole lives.

There is also heartache and sadness in the leaving - as with any leaving. Leaving our west coast home hits harder than us couple of gypsies really realized.  The West Coast has been our heartbeat our whole lives - it is the culture and vibe that defines us; the base line that’s made us who we are. There are friends - old and new - that we grieve to drive away from. An office full of dear hearts that have been a family, that make coming into work everyday a wonderful thing.

We’ve settled here more than we realized and the uprooting is both scary and exciting. That is the way of moves though, the way of travels and adventures.  In many ways the places you visit becomes a part of you regardless of how long you are there. Change - no matter the shape - brings much needed definition to the things that matter.  I am have a fearful respect for change, a deep gratitude for how it re-aligns things in my life.

It never happens when you’re ready. Like a rogue wave in the ocean that comes at you sideways, it always throws you off balance. I’m used to trying to find my feet when things knock me around and like a good Libra I hold both the excitement and the sadness as a balance for the other in each hand.

Expect more words.

Expect more photos.