Coming from a Latin term meaning “become raw again,” recrudescence means “breaking out afresh or into renewed activity.

You could blame it on the new year - it’s convenient - but truth is I’ve been simmering like a hot pot for ages.  On what you ask? On creativity, writing, honesty, life, existence, the stars and this little blue dot we find ourselves on.  The usual really.  I’ve landed in a new - stage? season? skin? - still unsure of the correct word.  Whatever it is - like a screaming new baby I am just all of a sudden - here.

Recrudescence - becoming raw again.
Words have always been my solace, my mirror, my window, and my soul. There is a finality to any art. There is a certain trepidation when putting that paint on a blank white canvas or words to something that’s been stewing.

I have avoided these words because my reflective journey into these areas involved my very worldview for the better part of my whole life.  They involve the experiences and mentors that have lent a hand in shaping me. They involve a long, slow, and exhausting exit.

So for better or worse - I’m tossing it all in the air - and just writing. Take it or leave it dear ones, friends old and new, but this will be my temporary home for all these rumblings.  Some posts will be more personal, others more academic - (Can you believe I miss writing book reviews!).

Either way - here is my recrudescence.