I have been divided in multiple directions; little bit here - little bit there - a whole lot of nothing happening over there etc. It’s time to recollect myself and pull together all those threads.

The dates of my previous posts give away the fact that I haven’t been able to find my words over the last handful of years. There are many reasons for that but the primary one is this disjointed space my mind has been in. The Pandemic hasn’t helped and instead it’s been a particularly stark backdrop to what I’ve been going through; It’s been a good dis-membering though, if there is such a thing. If you let yourself fall to pieces sometimes it makes it more efficient and clarifying putting blocks of yourself back together again.

Coming back to words has been a necessary and slow process. I was at one time a private prolific writer - nothing published or any more public than a blog - and even that well dried up. So the past year has felt like the climb up and out of that hole, covered in dirt and cobwebs, back into the light.

I am working on learning JavaScript/React and have started blogging my more dev related “updates” over at blog.rach.dev. This space however is meant to hold more reflective deepdives on eveything from video games, movies, philosophy, and our collective furture.

In other news - while still mildly active on Twitter - more of my consistent micro-words will likely happen over on Mastodon - I’d love to connect with you over there!

So here’s to being more publicly prolific - here’s to recovering self - here’s to you all who always inspire me with your words I see.